SSC MTS Recruitment 2024 – Notification for 8326 MTS & Havildar Vacancies, Application Link

Computer Based Test (CBT)/Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Physical Standard Test (PST) (only for the post of Havildar).

The computer based exam will be conducted in Hindi, English and English. 13 regional languages viz. (i) Assamese, (ii) Bengali, (iii) Gujarati, (iv) Kannada, (v) Konkani, (vi) Malayalam, (vii) Manipuri, (viii) Marathi, (ix) Odia, (x) Punjabi, (xi) Tamil, (xii) Telugu and (xiii) Urdu.

The computer based exam will be conducted in two sessions: Session-I And Session-II It is compulsory to attend both the sessions. attemptedIf the candidate does not attend any session, he/she will be disqualified.

The computer based exam will consist of Objective Type, Multiple Choice QuestionsThe questions will be asked in English, Hindi and 13 regional languages.

There No negative marking Session-I will consist of the following Session-II will consist of: negative Marking There is a provision of one mark for each wrong answer.

Computer Based Exam

SubjectQuestion.maximum marksDuration
session 1
Numerical and Mathematical Ability206045 minutes
Problem Solving and Reasoning Ability2060
Session – 2
general awareness257545 minutes
English Language & Comprehension2575

SSC Havildar PET/PST 2024

Walking1600 meters in 15 minutes1 km in 20 minutes
Height157.5 cm152 cm
Chest76 – 81 cmNo


SSC MTS & Havildar Syllabus 2024

general awareness:

The comprehensive coverage of the exam will be based on Social Studies (History, Geography, Art & Culture, Civics, Economics), General Science and Environmental Studies up to class 10th.

Numerical and Mathematical Ability:

It will include questions related to Integers and Whole Numbers, LCM and HCF, Decimals and Fractions, Relationship between Numbers, Fundamental Arithmetical Operations and BODMAS, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Work and Time, Direct and Inverse Proportion, Average, Simple Interest, Profit and Loss, Discount, Area and Perimeter of Basic Geometrical Figures, Distance and Time, Lines and Angles, Simple Graphs and Interpretation of Data, Squares and Square Roots, etc.

Reasoning Ability & Problem Solving:

The questions in this part are aimed at measuring the general learning ability of the candidates. The questions will broadly be based on alpha-numeric series, coding and decoding, analogies, following instructions, similarities and differences, jumbling, problem solving and analysis, non-verbal reasoning based on diagrams, age calculation, calendar and clock, etc.

English Language & Comprehension:

To test the candidates’ understanding about the basics of English language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms and its correct usage etc., a simple paragraph can be given and questions based on the paragraph can be asked.